eBook: Company-issued computers

Now more than ever, organisations are issuing computing devices – laptops, mobile phones, desktops – en masse to their staff. There was no choice, as in March a certain sub-microscopic infectious agent arrived uninvited to obliterate 2020.
For so many organisations around the world, one day in March was the last day in the office for a very long time. And this is still the case for many. Work from home is the reality for those businesses that can. And to do that efficiently and (somewhat) securely, the issuance of laptops and other computing devices quickly became IT job number one! According to IDC, PC shipments popped to 72 million units in the second calendar quarter of 2020, an 11.2% year-over-year growth.
But have you ever wondered what your employees are doing on these devices? All business, of course. Raise your hand if you believe that! Were your IT and security policies and systems ready for this rush to WFH? Do you think the blurring of business and personal lives has increased or decreased in 2020? This eBook explores these questions in more detail.