eBook: Web application security in a digitally connected world

These days, applications are not merely Web-based. Web or mobile, homegrown or open source, premises- or cloud-hosted, monolithic or micro-service applications, APIs and even individual functions need to be synchronised and managed, as they create, modify and process data. And as technologies and frameworks emerge, complexity is added to the application development life cycle.
Trends such as serverless architecture, containers and Kubernetes are gaining traction, increasing agility and efficiency and speeding up the time to market for applications, features and new services alike. However, when it comes to cloud-native applications, emphasis is placed on continuous integration and deployment, making it tricky for security teams to both identify and mitigate risks. Security solutions simply cannot keep up with the velocity and scale of cloud-native applications.
Radware’s annual Global Application & Network Security Report revealed, unsurprisingly, that application vulnerabilities have emerged as the fastest-growing cyber security threat to businesses across the board. This means that applications, as well as the APIs they leverage, need to be protected against an ever-increasing number of sophisticated actors and attack methods. Moreover, DevOps and agile development methods see applications in an ongoing state of flux, and security policies must continually adapt to keep up.
One thing is clear and that is that Web application security solutions have to up their game and meet the requirements of a wide range of vulnerability exploitation methods. Over and above protecting the application from this slew of vulnerabilities, they must protect APIs and mitigate denial-of-service attacks, manage bot traffic and have the ability to distinguish between legitimate bots and nefarious ones such as botnets, Web scrapers and suchlike. Shockingly, the report revealed that merely a third of organisations claimed that their WAF mitigates all types of Web application attacks.
In this eBook, Radware will delve into today’s application security landscape, unpack the threats facing businesses today, and offer advice on how to counter them. Radware offers the only WAF that provides total Web application security and has the ability to block attacks at the perimeter, before they enter the network, ensuring fast, reliable and secure delivery of mission-critical Web applications.