ICT Tenders: National orders rule

The public sector continues to push through a spate of tender awards, while binning a number of others.
October saw the results section of the National Tender Bulletin grow from normal activity levels to unusually high numbers. This week's edition contains notices of 13 awards and seven cancellations, resulting in a total of 59 awards and 34 cancellations for the month.
The State IT Agency steps back to take a lower profile this week, posting two new tenders under the names of its clients and having nothing to post to the results section.
National government, on the other hand, is strongly represented in the latest issue with opportunities coming from the departments of defence; agriculture, land reform and rural development; co-operative governance; police; trade and industry; and National Treasury.
The notice from National Treasury is of particular interest to the telecommunications sector as the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer advertises the transversal tender for supply and delivery of mobile communication services to the state for a period of five years. Notably, the Department of Police announced it has appointed Deloitte and Touche for the provision of a telecommunications audit and overpayment recovery services.
For the rest of the IT industry, the latest issue contains an equal spread of opportunities across the hardware, software and services sector.
New tenders
National Treasury
The Office of the Chief Procurement Officer requests proposals for the supply and delivery of mobile communication services to the state for a period of 60 months.
Note: There will be no briefing session. Bid summary information is published as Annexure 4. All enquiries should be in writing to transversal.contracting2@treasury.gov.za. No telephone or cellular phone enquiries will be addressed. Questions and answers will be published at www.etenders.gov.za as per the dates on Special Conditions of Contract Section 3. Closing date for queries is 20 November.
Tender no: RT15
Information: Nancy Ravhandalala or Kwanele Mtembu, E-mail: Transversal.contracting2@treasury.gov.za.
Closing date: 27 November
Tags: Telecommunications, Mobile, Cellular
Department of Public Works, KwaZulu-Natal
The department wishes to purchase 13 laptops at North Coast Region, Ulundi. Contract period: 30 days.
Note: Only service providers that are registered on SITA's contract database are eligible to bid. The department reserves the right not to award more than one service to any single entity or JV, Multiple awards will be limited per entity.
Tender no: ZNQ 20/ 21/ 0010/NCR
Information: Technical: ZP Nene, Tel: (035) 874 2198, Fax: (035) 874 2519. General: ZFT Makhanya, Tel: (035) 874 2149, Fax: (035) 874 3357, E-mail: zola.makhanya@kznworks.gov.za.
Closing date: 23 November
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
National Health Laboratory Service
The NHLS invites bids for supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and configuration of a high-performance computing (HPC) solution for the NICD.
Tender no: RFB 102/ 19/ 20
Information: Phumzile Rikhotso, Tel: (011) 386 6165, E-mail: Phumzile.Rikhotso@nhls.ac.za.
Closing date: 13 November
Tags: Hardware, Computing, HPC
Road Accident Fund
The RAF invites service providers for the rental of scanners, installation, maintenance and support for RAF offices for a period of three years.
Note: No telephonic queries will be entertained. All queries must be directed via e-mail and will be attended
to as per the information stated in the bid document. Bidders are requested to wear a mask when coming in for briefing session and submission of bids.Compulsory briefing: 3 November
Tender no: RAF/ 2020/ 00016
Information: Shadi Matlou, Tel: (012) 621 1988, E-mail: Shadim@raf.co.za.
Closing date: 25 November
Tags: Hardware, Imaging, Services, Support and maintenance
A service provider is also sought for enterprise storage capacity and servers for a period of five years.
Note: No telephonic queries will be entertained. All queries must be directed via e-mail and will be attended to as per the information stated in the bid document. Bidders are requested to wear a mask when coming in for briefing session and submission of bids.
Non-compulsory briefing: 4 November
Tender no: RAF/ 2020/ 00015
Information: Thuthuka Kweyama, Tel: (012) 649 2019, E-mail: thuthukak@raf.co.za.
Closing date: 24 November
Tags: Hardware, Storage, Servers
The RAF requires a service provider to provide second line IT support for customer service centres, hospital service centres and walk-in-centres at its offices for a period of three years.
Note: No telephonic queries will be entertained. All queries must be directed via e-mail and will be attended to as per the information stated in the bid document. Bidders are requested to wear a mask when coming in for briefing session and submission of bids.
Non-compulsory briefing: 30 October
Tender no: RAF/ 2020/ 00016
Information: Thuthuka Kweyama, Tel: (012) 649 2019, E-mail: thuthukak@raf.co.za.
Closing date: 23 November
Tags: Services, Support and maintenance
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, KwaZulu-Natal
Proposals are requested for a field data solution.
Tender no:DARD31/ 20A
Information: Technical: N Ntsangase, Cell: 076 510 7450. General: N Makaula, Tel: (033) 355 9109, Cell: 082 925 8396, E-mail: nozizwe.makaula@kzndard.gov.za.
Closing date: 16 November
Tags: Software, Telecommunications, Data
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
The department wishes to appoint a service provider to supply McAfee anti-virus software licence renewal and upgrade with maintenance and support for a period of five years.
Note: Please note that two envelopes system apply: 1. Bid document and all requirements. 2. SBD 3.1 pricing schedule.
Tender no: 5/ 20
Information: Technical: S Mothoane or A Vermaak, Tel: (012) 319 6080/6202, E-mail: SamuelM@dalrrd.gov.za, AltaV@dalrrd.gov.za. General: Supply chain management, Tel: (012) 319 6641.
Closing date: 12 November
Tags: Software, Security, Services, Software licensing, Support and maintenance
Department of Co-operative Governance
A service provider is sought to supply, install, migrate data and configure ICT hardware infrastructure, servers, tape library and switches, including migrating VEEAM and VMWare licences at the National Disaster Management Centre.
Compulsory briefing: 5 November - there will be a compulsory briefing session held under strict COVID-19 regulations. Bidders who do not attend
the briefing session will be disqualified. No bidding documents will be placed at the reception. Bidders are urged to download the bid documents on the COGTA Web site as soon as they become available or on the e-Tender Portal.Tender no: COGTA (T) 06/2020
Information: Technical: Riaz Moolla or Dechlan Pillay, Tel: (012) 848 4629/4624, E-mail: Riazm@ndmc.gov.za, Dechlanp@ndmc.gov.za. General: Kgaugelo Tselana, Mogoma Sekgothe or Kagiso Gulston, Tel: (012) 334 0912/0586/0561, E-mail: Kgaugelot@cogta.gov.za, MogomaN@cogta.gov.za, Kagisog@cogta.gov.za.
Closing date: 19 November
Tags: Hardware, Services, Networking, Software, Servers, Data, Storage
National Development Agency
The agency is advertising for the development of a file plan and the provision of records storage and management services to all NDA offices over a period of five years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 30 October
Tender no: NDA05/ CS3/ 20
Information: Technical: Lerato Dlamini, Tel: (011) 018 5500, Cell: 078 464 6047, E-mail: LeratoDH@nda.org.za. General: Muzi Matsenjwa, Tel: (011) 018 5546/5562, E-mail: Muzim@nda.org.za.
Closing date: 13 November
Tags: Hardware, Services, Software, Consulting, Servers, Storage, Record management
Department of Finance, Northern Cape
Proposals are invited for the supply and installation of network equipment, structured cabling (LAN) and WiFi solution for the provincial treasury at Metlife Towers.
Tender no: BID NO: NCPT/07/ 2020
Information: Technical: A Pillay, Tel: (053) 830 8232, E-mail: apillay@ncpg.gov.za. General: Kelebogile Bambani, Tel: (053) 830 8386, E-mail: kbambani@ncpg.gov.za.
Closing date: 6 November
Tags: Hardware, Networking, WiFi, Telecommunications
Department of Police
SAPS wishes to procure Cisco Smartnet services for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB 2278/ 2020
Information: Bongeka Malinga, Tel: (012) 482 2655, E-mail: bongeka.malinga@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 13 November
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Networking, Support and maintenance
Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
Service providers are invited to submit proposals for ICT infrastructure migration and dedicated hosting services for a period of five years, with an option to renew for a further five years.
Tender no: CIPC BID NUMBER: 07/ 2020/2021
Information: Technical: Anand Mapoonar, E-mail: Amapoonar@cipc.co.za. General: Ntombi Maqhula, Tel: (012) 394 5344, E-mail: nmaqhula@cipc.co.za.
Closing date: 20 November
Tags: Software, Hardware, Services, Hosting
Council on Higher Education
The council wishes to appoint a service provider for the provision of maintenance and development of online Web-based systems for a period of three years.
Tender no: CHE/ CS/ 09/ 03/2020
Information: Technical: Robin Naude, Tel: (012) 349 3921, E-mail: naude.r@che.ac.za. General: Dorah Motlhalifi, Tel: (012) 349 39015, E-mail: motlhalifi.d@che.ac.za.
Closing date: 20 November
Tags: Software, Software development, Internet, Hosting, Cloud computing
Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, KwaZulu-Natal
The department is looking for the provision of enhancement, migration, maintenance and support on the balanced scorecard and procurement systems for a period of 24 months.
Note: Kindly note that bid documents published by SITA are available and can be downloaded from the National Treasury Web site at www.etenders.gov.za. Bidders can also request bid documents by sending e-mails to Tenders@sita.co.za.
Tender no: RFB 2274/ 2020
Information: Ronald Kgonyane, Tel: (033) 395 2514, Cell: 081 043 5118, E-mail: tenders@sita.co.za and www.etenders.gov.za.
Closing date: 12 November
Tags: Software, Services, Software development, Support and maintenance , SCM
Department of Trade and Industry
The Engineering Council of South Africa requires an ICT turnaround strategist consultant.
Tender no: ECSA/ RFP03/2020
Information: Technical: Victor Leshiba, Tel: (011) 607 9559, E-mail: victor@ecsa.co.za. General: Nosintu Manqoyi, Tel: (011) 607 9545, E-mail: nosintu@ecsa.co.za.
Closing date: 6 November
Tags: Services, Consulting
National Student Financial Aid Scheme
Bids are invited for the provision and implementation of a human resources management information system for a period of five years.
Tender no:SCMN011/ 2020
Information: National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), Tel: (021) 763 3200, E-mail: scm@nsfas.org.za.
Closing date: 27 November
Tags: Software, HR, MIS
Office of the Pension Funds Adjudicator
The Office of the Pension Funds Adjudicator invites suitable service providers to supply ICT infrastructure (hardware, software and implementation services) at the disaster recovery site as detailed on the bid document.
Tender no:OPFA/ ICT/ 042020
Information: Magadi Tshitannye, Tel: (012) 748 4000/4048, E-mail: tenders@pfa.org.za.
Closing date: 17 November
Tags: Hardware, Services, Software
Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority
Terms of reference are sought for the procurement and implementation of IT and security infrastructure at Hillcrest Office Park, Lynnwood.
Briefing: 6 November
Tender no:ICT02/ PSETA/ 10-2020
Information: Anne Gideon, Tel: (012) 423 5700, E-mail: Anneg@pseta.org.za.
Closing date: 20 November
Tags: Hardware, Security
Safety and Security Education and Training Authority
The authority wishes to appoint a service provider to host and maintain SASSETA’s Web site and intranet for a period of three years from date of appointment.
Tender no: RFP/ SASSETA/20211109
Information: Jackie Kwinika, E-mail: scm02@sasseta.org.za.
Closing date: 16 November
Tags: Services, Software, Internet, Hosting, Website, Support and maintenance
Western TVET College
The college invites bids for the supply and maintenance of an electronic student assessment and placement tool to all Westcol campuses for a period of 24 months.
Tender no: WT2020/ 0004
Information: Carel van Biljon, Tel: (011) 692 4004, E-mail: cvanbiljon@westcol.co.za.
Closing date: 13 November
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
Request for information
Department of Defence
The department is looking for information on a mainframe emulator, server and workstation/desktop management solution. Bid document can be downloaded for free at Central Procurement Service Centre, Eco-Origin Office Park, Block E, 349 Witch Hazel Avenue, Eco Park, Centurion. Bidders to bring along blank CDs.
Tender no: CPSC- B- RFI- 001-2020
Information: Technical: Brigaidre General M.A. Matoeka, Tel: (012) 649 1438, Fax: (012) 649 1560. General: Major N. Sobekwa, Tel: (012) 649 6684, Fax: (012) 649 6687.
Closing date: 24 November
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mainframe, Server
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
ICASA wishes to appoint consultants to execute and implement the ITA for the auction of radio frequency spectrum on the following International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) bands: IMT700, IMT800, IMT2600, IMT3500 (spectrum bands), on an 80/20 PPPFA 2000, Preferential Procurement Regulation: 2017.
New note: This erratum aims to amend the description of the bid in question. International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) 2300 is being removed from the above-mentioned bands.
Tender no: ICASA 12/ 2020
Information: Johannes (Jowi) Molomo, Tel: (012) 568 3810, E-mail: Jmolomo@icasa.org.za.
Closing date: 9 November
Tags: Telecommunications, Services, Consulting
National Health Laboratory Service
The NHLS invites bids for outright procurement of HPE storage, storage, Blade servers and VMware licences.
Tender no: RFB 023/ 20/ 21
Information: Phumzile Rikhotso, Tel: (011) 386 6165, E-mail: Phumzile.Rikhotso@nhls.ac.za.
Closing date: 30 October
Tags: Hardware, Software, Storage, Servers
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver livestock identification and traceability system (LITS) development and implementation activities: supply of radio frequency identification.
Tender no: 5/ 20
Department of Transport
Expression of interest for the supply, delivery, commissioning and maintenance of driving licence card.
Tender no: DLCA/ EOI/ 2020/ 01
Gauteng Growth and Development Agency
Invitation for an open tender of the supply, installation, configuration and maintenance of core network equipment at Supplier Park Development Company.
Tender no: AIDC_T08_2019/ 20
National Lotteries Board
Cancellation of appointment of service provider for off-site storage for the National Lotteries Commission for a period of five years.
Tender no: NLC/ 2020- 07
Department of Human Settlements, KwaZulu-Natal
Appointment of a service provider to supply and install replacement servers and provide support and maintenance services for a period of three years.
Tender no: ZNB50/ 2019/ 20HSE
Department of Employment and Labour
Project 1: Bid to appoint a service provider to assess the impact of digitalisation on employment in the South African banking
sector.Tender no: LAB 08/ 2019: PROJECT 1
Department of Home Affairs
Appointment of a licensing solution provider for Microsoft account between Department of Home Affairs and Microsoft for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: DHA06- 2020
Coega Development Corporation
Provision of training services: seven learnerships (IT end-user computing).
Tender no: CDC/ 600/ 19 B
Successful bidder: Fort Hare Trading Solutions (Pty) Ltd
Value: R1 485 800
Provision of training services: seven learnerships (IT technical support).
Tender no: CDC/ 600/ 19 C
Successful bidder: ZJ Africa Learning (Pty) Ltd
Value: R1 024 000
Provision of training services: seven learnerships (IT technical support).
Tender no: CDC/ 600/ 19 D
Successful bidder: ZJ Africa Learning (Pty) Ltd
Value: R1 085 000
Agricultural Research Council
Microfocus licence renewal.
Tender no: ARC/ 24/ 03/2020
Successful bidder: African Information Communication Technology (Pty) Ltd
Value: R2 184 615
Multifunctional units for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFQ- ARC/ 12/07/ 2020
Successful bidder: Konica Minolta, a division of Bidvest Office (Pty) Ltd
Value: R9 013 674
Microsoft licence provider.
Tender no: ARC- RFI/ 01/ 07/2020
Successful bidder: Altron Karabina, a division of Altron TMT (Pty) Ltd
Value: No financial implication
Microsoft Dynamics AX R3, Power BI and Jet Reports support, new development and customisation for a period of three years.
Tender no: ARC/ 01/ 04/2020
Successful bidder: MMT Inland (Pty) Ltd
Value: R5 060
Financial Services Board
Ethics and fraud confidential hotline services.
Tender no: FSCA2020- 21-T006
Successful bidder: Advance Call (Pty) Ltd
Value: R287 769
South African Health Products Regulatory Authority
National Treasury approved the expansion of the contract with Sage South Africa procured by the NDoH on behalf of SAHPRA during 2017 to migrate payroll information from Persal.
Tender no: SAHPRA/ 2020/SAGE PAYROLL/RFQ110
Successful bidder: Sage South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Value: R144 572
South African National Roads Agency Limited
Request for tender for the local area network management services for a 36-month period.
Tender no: SANRAL 58000/1013/ 2020/ 04
Successful bidder: Underground Communications (PTY) Ltd
Value: R11 047 434
Western Cape Freeway Management Systems (FMS) design, build, operate and maintain.
Tender no: X.005- 033- 2019/1
Successful bidder: Tolcon Group (PTY) Ltd
Value: R830 777 996
Department of Police
Appointment of a service provider for the provisioning of telecommunication audit and overpayment recovery service to the SAPS on a once-off basis.
Tender no: 19/ 1/ 9/ 1/ 85TP (18)
Successful bidder: Deloitte and Touche
Value: Not applicable
Medical Research Council of South Africa
Provision, implementation and support of a human resources management system.
Tender no: SAMRC/ HRPI&SS/ 2019/ 05
Successful bidder: BCX
Value: R3 594 202