Networking trends to think about for 2021

COVID-19 has forced organisations to pull their current two-year digital transformation strategy forward into six months. The demands of employees changed, customer expectations changed and, most importantly, the way our business traditionally operated will need to change. The role of technology will certainly need to be re-looked and re-evaluated.
Of course, amid such turmoil, how do companies become more flexible and secure as they speed up their adoption of modern networking? Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, is the industry leader in wired, wireless and security networking solutions for today’s experience edge. The solutions from Aruba support industries such as retail, financial, hospitality, healthcare, government as well as primary and higher education, across the mid-sized and small businesses.
Reading some snippets from various articles recently, I can summarise some networking trends for 2021 and these are highlighted below:
- Internet traffic is increasing: Lockdown, whether hard or soft dependent on which country you are in, means that people become more online-dependent for work, school, communication and entertainment. This has and will continue to cause a massive surge in Internet traffic and any business owner needs to ask whether your network infrastructure could handle it.
- Remote work becomes the standard: The main challenge companies are facing now is the need to work remotely. To make a smooth transition from onsite to remote work, an organisation needs to have in place clear procedures, competent IT staff and proper networking technology. Here the technology itself plays a vital role, as it ensures the traffic in the company’s network is properly secured.
- Public cloud adoption is expected to rise: The pace of cloud technology adoption ramped up fast as cloud providers such as Microsoft, allowed for a faster transition to remote work and helped organise a remote workplace more efficiently.
Axiz expertise
The Axiz team of solutions experts are available to help you with your design and build requests for any environment. Their years of Aruba certified knowledge and skill will help with key insights to deliver the most ideal networking environments for your customers.
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