Beyond backup: Services MSP customers need now

Amid the mass move to cloud and spikes in cyber risk, managed service providers
(MSPs) need to expand their service offerings to encompass advanced data management, security and compliance.This is according to Redstor, a specialist in data management and provider
of a cloud management platform for the channel. Speaking ahead of a Redstor webinar for MSPs, Redstor head of sales for South Africa Heidi Coerlin notes that organisations today need a great deal more than backup to support business continuity.
Webinar: 5 Reasons to Rethink Your Backup Offering
Redstor, in partnership with ITWeb, presents a thought leadership webinar outlining the market drivers affecting end-users and why a complete cloud data management solution is the future for MSPs.
Click here to reserve you slot.
“What we have seen is that when the lockdown first started, there was a radical scrabble in which companies took up to 45 days to successfully enable work from home. At the same time, cloud uptake has increased dramatically over the past three to four months, cyber risk has soared, and businesses are gearing up to sustain and generate new revenue streams.”
Coerlin says much of the data now in circulation from a remote workforce is unprotected.
“Right now, companies are challenged by a need to minimise spend, ensure compliance, and eliminate all risk around data loss. They need to tick all the boxes in board level conversations, so they have to solve challenges around data management as a whole, not just focus on backup and recovery,” she says.
Solving these complex data management challenges presents new opportunities for MSPs. Beyond backup and recovery, MSPs need to start adding value by helping customers access
inaccessible and unstructured data, enabling them to prioritise business critical data for instant recovery and uninterrupted operations, and supporting them in a seamless and secure move to cloud. “MSPs need to be enabling, sustaining, helping customers eliminate risk, manage data efficiently, reduce spend and achieve compliance,” Coerlin says.Redstor, in partnership with ITWeb, will host a webinar for MSPs entitled 5 Reasons to Rethink Your Backup Offering. This event will outline what the changing environment means for traditional MSP models – how MSPs need to change their backup and recovery value proposition to help customers cope with the new challenges.
For more information, and to register for this event, click here.